the name of the owner of that hair.The way of reading is such a way that it will not come out first unless you know it.
This is all you can know about. Do not talk about that house. It is no use approaching. You understand?
Anyway today, everyone wants to stay at home and take a good rest. "
As I said so, Mr. B asked B's father who tried to set his seat as he decided his intention.
B's father opened his mouth without saying "What is wrong with D child !? what is that guy ...?"
"Forget about that girl, I will never be able to return to the original and I will never see you again ..."
B your father continued with a slightly sad expression.
"From you, that mother of that child, you keep grudging for the rest of my life.
I do not feel like asking someone's responsibility for this case.
However, you can see by the state of the mother just before? You must not get involved with that girl. "
That said, B's father left the room.
We could not think of anything.
I do not know well how I did after that.

How about this story?


・田舎で謎の場所や風習があって、トラブルメーカー役がそれを破って謎の現象が起きる ・それに詳しい老人や大人に怒られる 坊主やら神主やらが出てきて、上記の老人らと共に種明かしをする ・トラブルメーカー役が亡くなったり再起不能になる ・話し手は過剰に善玉として書かれ、消極的かつ巻き込まれたと強調する ・唯一オリジナル要素が加わりやすい後日譚 コピペ元である洒落怖のテンプレを詰め込んだ作品やな









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