To declare.
This story is not scary at all.
But let me tell you.
I am fashionable for me!
Well, let's go!

I was dreaming.
I was at a coffee shop with a strange man.
Man "... is not it?"
I "What?"
Man "I'm seeing you"
I "What are you talking about?"
Man "This is a dream,"
I "Well, it's strange in general, I do not know about you at all."
Man "I did not know whether I got to know this," I am glad.
I "Well, that's okay ... oh?"
Man "Then then in reality"
I "Hey ... kinda ..."

The man disappeared, and I woke up.
I go to university as usual.
And the figure of a man who was a dream in front of me.

Man "You know, could not you?"
I'm serious ... It's not a joke.
Man "Let's go to that cafe."
I "No, I have to go to college"
Man "College? It's not like that, I am high school graduate"
I "No, you, you know I am you!"
I'm going! I hope you do not meet me again!
Man: "Is that so ..."
I "If you are next you will be hitting Maji!"
Man ... "

Then I have not seen a guy.
That is ha
